Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CsvHelper

Total dependencies: 401

Simple File Manager
Simple extension methods.
The main package for the cloudscribe Newsletter Solution Daily Exchange Rates .NET Standard 2.0 Library
Simple Serializer and Deserializer
A multisensor data fusion framework.
The helper library to reading Csv file.
Deserializer & Serializer against Anomnyous, Strongly Type, Dynamic Objectsfix supports JSON,XML,CSV,BINARY, also work with files
Fiscalisation unit and offline client for digital receipt.
Library for Alba inter components
Database manage tool for: SqlServer, MySql, Oracle and Postgres.
Serializer for CSharp, Daily Exchange + Bank codes Rates .NET Standard 2.0 Library Daily Exchange + Bank codes Rates .NET Standard 2.0 Library
High-level functional and verifiable TensorFlow 2.0 API.
Blazor WebAssembly LocalStorage