Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CreativeCoders.Core

Total dependencies: 40

Network relatived classes and types. HttpClient extensions. Basic Soap support. Base classes and types for Http server abstraction.
WPF specific base classes and type for MVVM
Sekeltor framework for WPF MVVM applications
Client and server for XmlRpc Protocol
Nhibernate implementation of a data repository for CreativeCoders.Data
Entity Framework implementation of a data repository for CreativeCoders.Data
Entity Framework Core implementation of a data repository for CreativeCoders.Data
Default implementation of configuration system for CreativeCoders.Config.Base
Roslyn implementation of code compilation for CreativeCoders.CodeCompilation
Base classes and types for daemon services
Configuration sources implementation for CreativeCoders.Config
Classes for XML RPC API implementation to access HomeMatic CCU
Components and classes for Blazor
Base classes and interfaces for HomeMatic API
Base classes and enums for HomeMatic CCU RPC
Base classes and types for configuration system
Abstractions and base types for code compilation
Default mediator implementation for CreativeCoders.Messaging.Core
SystemRuntimeCaching implementation for CreativeCoders.Core.Caching
Base classes and types for scripting