Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CostEffectiveCode

Total dependencies: 11

AutoMapper IMapper, IProjector implementations for CostEffectiveCode
Component structure for CostEffectiveCode
WebApi2 extensions for CostEffectiveCode
Provides integration-layer for CostEffectiveCode general-purpose framework and
Library for integration of CostEffectiveCode general-purpose framework with EntityFramework
Provides integration-layer for CostEffectiveCode general-purpose framework and 6-th version of EntityFramework
Provides integration-layer for CostEffectiveCode general-purpose framework and 7-th version of EntityFramework
Introduces an abstraction layer of asynchronious non-blocking processes for CostEffectiveCode general-purpose framework
NLog-based CostEffectiveCode's ILogger implementation
CostEffectiveCode.Processes over Akka
CostEffectiveCode with Autofac integration