Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Constructs
Total dependencies: 173
Receipt rule actions for AWS SES (Stability: Stable)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS Route53 patterns (Stability: Stable)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::EKS (Legacy) (Stability: Deprecated)
Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery for CDK Applications (Stability: Deprecated)
Build a global dynamodb table (Stability: Deprecated)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS Lambda in Node.js (Stability: Stable)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS::GreengrassV2 (Stability: Experimental)
The CDK Construct Library for AWS Lambda in Python (Stability: Experimental)
An experiment to bundle the entire CDK into a single module (Stability: Experimental)
This is an AWS CDK v2 Construct to simplify deploying a single-page website use CloudFront distributions. (Stability: Stable)
CDK Construct for managing SSM Documents (Stability: Stable)
CDK Construct for managing EC2 key pairs (Stability: Stable)
@seeebiii/projen-test (Stability: Stable)
Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (Stability: Experimental)
aws-cdk-build-badge (Stability: Stable)
p6-barrier (Stability: Stable)
@stefanfreitag/aws-budget-notifier (Stability: Experimental)
cdk-image-builder-patterns (Stability: Stable)
cdk8s+ is a software development framework that provides high level abstractions for authoring Kubernetes applications. cdk8s-plus-17 synthesizes Kubernetes manifests for Kubernetes 1.17. The package is deprecated. (Stability: Stable)
Deploy a URL shortener with custom domain support in just a few lines of code. (Stability: Experimental)