Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Compare .NET Objects

Total dependencies: 74

This is a .NETStandard SDK library, used to communicate with the Xero API using OAuth2.0. See for more information
Web Framework cross platforms based to .net core
Test tools for Zebus
Business Entity Execution Framework (Beef) NUnit extensions for testing (Beef v4.x backwards compatibility only).
Lightweight infrastructure for doing command handling and eventsourcing using aggregates.
Package Description
SibaCore is a multipurpose framework built for the peculiar needs of BIC Technologies and seeks to make working with a data layer as easy as possible. With the help of our custom built generic repository, all CRUD functionalities are abstracted away from the programmer to reduce repetitive cod...
Add deep object comparison to your NUnit assertions. Simply use Is.DeepEqualTo in place of Is.EqualTo.
Package Description
Tools and algorithms to manipulate BHoM objects
Well Structured Models for C#
Element的blazor版本,无JS,无TS,用 .NET 写前端的 UI 框架,非 Silverlight,非 WebForm,开箱即用
Store your application settings in MongoDB and get notified when they get updated.
A set of assertions to be used together with FluentAssertions library.
This is an operator sdk written in c#. It enables a developer to create a custom controller for CRDs (CustomResourceDefinitions) that runs on kubernetes.
A generic implementation for the repository pattern in C#.
NUnit comparing assertions
Hassle free deep object comparison assertions for NUnit.
Database adapter. In that version only for mysql but it should give a single inteface for all databases.
RabbitMQ HTTP API Client for .netCore, tested with v3.7.x of RabbitMQ