Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CodeGeneration.Roslyn.BuildTime

Total dependencies: 10

Design and build-time code-gen for records, unions, lenses and immutable With functions
NSCI (Net Standard Console Interface) is an window system for .NetStandard console applications. It aim's to provide a platform-agnostic graphical user interface .NetStandard (as long as the platform supports a console).
A Roslyn code generation tool that enables automatic factory classes.
Contains code generator to provide basic implementations for some interfaces. See project site for installation instructions and more details.
Code generator for [FlagsEnumeration]-decorated types. Automatically generates bitwise operator overloads corresponding with your derived Enumeration assets. This package references all required and recommended analyzer packages. See project site for installation instructions and more details.
Code generator for [FlagsEnumeration]-decorated types. Automatically generates bitwise operator overloads corresponding with your derived Enumeration assets. This package references all required and recommended analyzer packages. See project site for installation instructions and more details.
Provides automatic generation of SpecFlow step bindngs from Tranquire actions.
Generate types out of untyped data (e.g. JSON).
MSBuild-based code generator to transform simple mutable type definitions into fully functional immutable types with persistent characteristics.
A Library that generates code for serialization.