Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Chains

Total dependencies: 5

xTags Library is an xml extension to the web building block: Tags. Allows the developer to build scalable and distributed templated UI with databind, REST and other awesome features. This package includes only the C# implementation.
With service management library you can start and manage chains and contexts developed with Chains and communication services. Building up on the tcp protocol support, the "worker" and "admin" concepts are been introduced (admin as the manager process for multiple workers). All the possible ac...
Takes the chain library concept a bit further away, and adds protocol support for the objects that are using the chain concept. You may send actions throught the wire and apply them in different application, process and/or computer domain contexts (chains). This library takes out that complex...
Provides the tools and classes to update and manage applications broken into packages. Includes the update-server and simple api-key security providers. Supports Mono.
Connects http handlers with xtag-ui context and provides the base classes for admin/worker management from web. Supports Mono.