Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Cave.IO

Total dependencies: 11

CaveSystems Database Library. Provides simple, fast and typesafe access to ADO.NET based databases. This package supports database first development.
CaveSystems Logging Library is a high speed fully asynchonous logging facility.
Provides classes for fast and easy access to fast async tcp streaming, dns client, ssl client and server and ntp client and server implementations.
CaveSystems WebServer Bibliothek.
CaveSystems FtpServer Bibliothek.
CaveSystems Mail Bibliothek.
CaveSystems Auth Bibliothek.
Provides a high performance async tcp client and server implementation
CaveSystems Process Bibliothek.
CaveSystems Media Library. This packages contains methods for audio, video, image and color handling.
CaveSystems Service Library. Provides service (windows), daemon (*nix/macos) and console (debugmode) execution.