Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle Windsor logging facility

Total dependencies: 100

A Castle Windsor Pipeline Implementation for MediatR
SenseFramework is the concept of a SOA development
SenseFramework is the concept of a SOA development. This assembly provides components to buil wcf services.
SenseFramework.Data supports ORM tools like Entity Framework, NHibernate and also No-SQL. This library supports CodeFirst development for Entity Framework.
Abp的NLog日志输出模块。已支持.NET Core 3.1,Abp 5.1.0。
Utility components for .NET development convenience
CodeZero is a set of common implementations to help you implementing Clean Architecture, DDD, CQRS, Specification Patterns and another facilities for new modern web applications is an open-source project written in .NET Core.
Castle Windsor logger for Touch SDK.
Skymate Framework
TakeIo.Essentials is a RESTful framework for ASP.NET MVC 3. TakeIo.Essentials supports Sinatra-like (from Ruby) routes, implements OPTIONS and HEAD methods in a reasonable way, adds syntax-sugar methods for returning OpenSocial (JSON/XML) single items and collections, decouples routing from controll...
Skymate Framework