Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle.Core

Total dependencies: 1176

The PPWCode Vernacular NHibernate Test library version II.
The best ORM for Sitecore. Map item data from Sitecore straight onto objects. Allows you to map fields, relationships and queries as well as supporting the Page Editor. Allows you to map data from Sitecore using the Castle Windsor DI Container.
Easy Mock wrapper for mocking EntityFrameworkCore 3 (EFCore3) DbContext and DbSet using Moq
LinqSharp is a smarter linq extension. It allows you to write simpler code to generate complex queries.
Autofac extras library for component registration via attributes 用注解来load autofac 摆脱代码或者xml配置和java的spring的注解注入一样的体验
HermaFx Castle assembly
Accelerates preparation of mocked structures for unit tests under xUnit2 by configuring AutoFixture data generation to use Moq. Gracefully handles recursive structures by omitting recursions.
Adds support for interception to Ninject using Castle Dynamic Proxy 2
Package Description
Event Sourcing, CQRS and DDD framework for modern C#/.NET applications. Core package of the framework.
Ssg.Data.Core is base repository of framework for web application
FluentAspect Castle extensions
HermaFx Rebus Castle extensions assembly
Accelerates preparation of mocked structures for unit tests under xUnit2 by configuring AutoFixture data generation to use NSubstitute. Gracefully handles recursive structures by omitting recursions.
Easy Mock wrapper for mocking EntityFrameworkCore 5 (EFCore5) DbContext and DbSet using NSubstitute
Create lazy-loaded object graphs
Package Description
Allows ImageVault to use it's Proxy membership/role providers to communicate with an EpiServer site using AspNet Identity
Castle NLog integration, flexible and free open-source logging for .NET