Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Castle.Core

Total dependencies: 1176

A simple way to decorate a class with additional functionality using attributes.
Dynamic WebApi proxy generation based on attributes
Easy Mock wrapper for mocking EntityFrameworkCore 3 (EFCore3) DbContext and DbSet using NSubstitute
Automation test extension for API/Web/Mobile/Performance with enabled dotnet core support and other features. This package includes the AutoTestExtras framework assembly, which is referenced by your automation tests.
Attribute-Driven Dependency Injection
Provide basic classes for WPF application as well as built-in converters, validations rules, tree helpers, etc.
A simple and fast contractless RPC library for .NET and .NET Core, over IServiceCollection
A framework and toolkit for building Mvvm applications
This is the Glass.Mapper core assembly that allows you to build ORMs for any CMS.
Vega IT’s uSitebuilder is an open source (LPGL) framework created for .NET developers to accelerate and streamline their Umbraco based development projects.
Selenium/MbUnit Test Automation Framework
Productivity Line of Business Application Framework
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) interception support using Catle.Core.
Provides MVC ModelBinder using Sharp Architecture's IRepository implementation registered with the IoC Container, a Castle Windsor MVC controller factory and Json.Net ActionResult
Castle logging services integration with log4net 1.2.11
A component for complex event processing (CEP). NEsper enables rapid development of applications that process large volumes of incoming messages or events, regardless of whether incoming messages are historical or real-time in nature. NEsper filters and analyze events in various ways, and respond ...
Gravity API core functionality, which can be hosted as a service on platforms like Console Application, ASP.NET Web API, Service Fabric Service, .NET Core application, WCF Selfhost, etc. FREE register at "" in order to be able to use Gravity API