Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CK.DB.Actor

Total dependencies: 10

This package implements CK.tGuestActor table.
This package defines tZone table.
This package adds CK.tGroup.GrouName column.
This package defines CK.tAuthProvider table and the CK.vUserAuthProvider.
This package defines tActorEMail with its EMail nvarchar( 255 ) collate Latin1_General_100_CI_AS not null, IsPrimary bit and ValTime datetime2(2) columns. The unicity of the EMail column can be dropped if necessary.
This package defines tAcl, tAclConfigMemory and tAclConfig tables.
This package implements CK.tUserSimpleInvitation table.
This package implements CK.tTokenStore table.
This package contains tests for CK.DB.Actor (uses CK.DB.Tests.NUnit).
This package defines tActorPhoneNumber. The unicity of the PhoneNumber column can be dropped if necessary.