Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on C5

Total dependencies: 42

Smartflow is a small and simple module inspired by Greg Young SimpleCQRS. It also borrows alot of ASP.NET MVC source code to facilitate API filtering style such as Attribute filters, Global filters. Dependency injection is also fully supported and on top of it, the aim of this module is keep your co...
An easy-to-use and fast caching framework for .NET with support for many storage systems: * Redis * System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache * Portable Memory Cache for use with Windows Store, Windows Phone 8, Xamarin apps NOTE: Provision requires a provider to work, please download one of the Provision...
Powerful and simple command line parsing in C#
DensoDB is a new NoSQL document database. Written for .Net environment in c# language. It run in-process so you does not need any configuration or installation. Supports .Net Framework 4, 4.5, WinRT and Windows Phone 8
This is a .NET library that generates sets of test cases, for use by parameterised tests. Think of it as being a DSL for making 'object mothers', whose generated data can be used as test cases (or for any other purpose, for that matter). Each test case is built up progressively from smalle...
This is a general scheduling framework able to create schedules using arbitrary constraints written in C#.
DensoDB is a new NoSQL document database. Written for .Net environment in c# language. It run in-process so you does not need any configuration or installation.
Recommender system library for CLR (.NET)
Library for handling sets of positive integers and unicode code points
A jump point search algorithm for grid based games in C#
A 3D jump point search algorithm for cube based games in C#
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