Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Bet.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 20

The Collection of the Logging related functionality for AspNetCore or GenericHost.
The Collection of the Azure Key Vault related functionality for both Webhost and GenericHost.
The collection of the IHost related functionality used with GenericHost.
Event Bus for Salesforce Platform events.
The Data Protection Azure Based Library for AspNetCore and GenericHost.
Let's Encrypt library that can be used with IHost.
The collection of the functionality for AspNetCore WebHost.
The collection of the functionality for Azure Storage, Blob, Queue and Table.
The collection of Polly Policies and HttpClientFactory configurations to support Resilience for HTTP based Microservices calls.
The abstraction library for Bet.Extensions.Resilience i.e. HTTP, SQL.
AspNetCore ReCapture Middleware and Html Tags Helpers.
Collection of AspNetCore extensions and reusable functionality.
Package Description
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Package Description
DotNet Core Libraries for Docker Kubernetes development including Machine Learning ML.NET.
Package Description