Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on BeatPulse
Total dependencies: 32
Helps to organize a service structure and architecture to simple and elegant styles.

The EfCore template for NetCoreKit which has EfCore (SQL Server, MySQL, and SQLite providers) includes generic repository, open API, authentication and much more.
This template needs for the host which intents to use RDBMS with EfCore in mind.
This template needs for some of host which is only for computing or running background job.

The MongoDb template for NetCoreKit which has MongoDb includes generic repository, open API, authentication and much more.
This template needs for the host which intents to use MongoDb in mind.

The EfCore template for NetCoreKit which has EfCore (SQL Server, MySQL, and SQLite providers) includes generic repository, open API, authentication and much more.
This template needs for the host which intents to use RDBMS with EfCore in mind.
BeatPulse.NpgSql is a health check for Postgress Sql
BeatPulse.SqlServer is the health check package for SqlServer on BeatPulse
BeatPulse.Redis is the health check package for Redis on BeatPulse
This template needs for some of host which is only for computing or running background job.

The MongoDb template for NetCoreKit which has MongoDb includes generic repository, open API, authentication and much more.
This template needs for the host which intents to use MongoDb in mind.
BeatPulse.Network is the health check package for network services on BeatPulse
BeatPulse.RabbitMQ is the health check package for RabbitMQ on BeatPulse
BeatPulse.MongoDb is the health check package for MongoDb on BeatPulse
BeatPulse.AzureStorage is the health check package for Blobs, Tables and Queues on BeatPulse
BeatPulse.ApplicationInsightsTracker is a BeatPulseTracker for Application Insights
BeatPulse.Uris is a simple health check package for Uri groups BeatPulse
BeatPulse.IdSvr is the health check package for IdentityServer on BeatPulse
BeatPulse.MySql is the health check package for MySQL on BeatPulse
BeatPulse.AzureServiceBus is the health check package for Azure EventHub, and Azure Service Bus Queues and Topics on BeatPulse
BeatPulse.DocumentDb is the health check package for Azure DocumentDb on BeatPulse