Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Batman Framework Core
Total dependencies: 13
This adds the ServiceStack set of serializers (JSON, CSV, and XML) to Batman.
This adds the ability to use razor when building templates for email in Batman.
This adds TinyIoC as the bootstrapper used by Batman.
This is the MVC Core package. However no functionality is included in this package.
This sets YUI as the CSS and JS minifier for Batman.
This adds the ability for Batman to interact with local files as well as urls.
This adds the ability to email messages using SMTP in Batman.
The Batman framework is designed to simplify application development and tries to put the focus back on your application. This is the default setup package for the MVC platform. This package sets up the following items: smtp email, bootstrapper (SimpleInjector), auto bundling of JS and CSS (using YU...
This adds SimpleInjector as the bootstrapper used by Batman.
This sets WebGrease as the CSS minifier for Batman.
This adds the ability to bundle less files within Batman.
This adds MiniProfiler to Batman.
This adds the ability for Batman to interact with local files as well as urls.