Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AutofacSerilogIntegration

Total dependencies: 14

provides a System.Diagnostics listener that sends Common.Diagnostics telemetry to Serilog
The OnPremiseConnector library should be used to connect to a Thinktecture RelayServer and provide local connectivity. It can be incorporated into services to provide in-process access to local services via the RelayServer. It could also be used in a separate service to provide http(s)-based access ...
This is a project template for .Net Core 3.1 Console app, pre-configured and ready to use with, 1. Autofac 5.2.0 registrations setup. 2. pre-Configured Serilog 2.9.0 console sinks. 3. pre-Configured AutoMapper 10.0.0. 4. pre-Installed Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.3 using `do...
Package Description
Package Description
Using logging in a smarter way with IOC by automatically enriching logs.
Package Description
Core upgraded to 3.1
This is a project template for .Net Core 3.1 API, pre-configured and ready to use with, 1. Autofac 5.2.0 registrations setup. 2. Ready Swagger 5.5.1 endpoint. 3. pre-Configured Serilog 2.9.0 console sinks. 4. pre-Configured AutoMapper 10.0.0. 5. pre-Installed Newtonsoft.Jso...
Package Description
Package Description