Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AutoMapper

Total dependencies: 2264

Architectural foundation for building ASP.NET MVC3 applications whit NHibernate very fast.
Typical empty MVC application. This would be a good plcae to start if you wanted to build everything from scratch.
Woozle is a .NET business application framework which will increase your development speed and helps you to achieve the return on investment faster.
BusinessLogic for an enterprise system
The TestPipe Test Automation Framework helps you create maintainable browser tests.
GorillaDocs is a collection of assemblies that makes working with Microsoft VSTO easier. This package contains the code that applies to all Microsoft Office applications. Specifically: - Extension methods - WPF helpers - Logging classes
Common MVC functionality classes for the SaaS web application
Xamling Azure for development the Xamling way
Colony.Services module for Colony websites.