Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection

Total dependencies: 362

ProSkive common library for tests
Core upgraded to 3.1
Package base for create WebApi aspnet core.
Library for setting app configurations.
Maije brings a certain degree of "magic" to facilitate the development of ASP.NET Core projects.
Manage your webhooks easily.
Package Description
A .NET Standard 2.0 API that interacts directly with the MySQL database to give you an API for OSTicket in C#.
MercadoPago SDK for .NetCore
Modular API is a Framework structure used to create an application.
Doitsu.Service.Core is a util platform to support AspNetCore using patterns UOW, ViewModel, Service. Some utils like logger, identity. The main target to help my company coding faster.
Funcionalidades comuns e úteis de aplicações da Solução GE App Core
Support .net stadndart 2.1.
Contains the logic to handle DI and Controller creation necessary to implement ApiFramework. ApiFramework is designed to replace the need for manual Controller creation. It uses the concept of EntityFramework's Code First approach, but applied to WebApi REST endpoints. Build your models, assign t...
This is core package for the tool generate c# web api from Codegen fulll source include: Api, Model, Service, Repository, UnitOfWork
Basis for the ioc layer of the Kraken Framework
netcore micro service utils