Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AutoMapper.Extensions.ExpressionMapping

Total dependencies: 31

Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
Collection updating support for EntityFrameworkCore with AutoMapper. Extends DBSet<T> with Persist<TDto>().InsertUpdate(dto) and Persist<TDto>().Delete(dto). Will find the matching object and will Insert/Update/Delete.
Collection updating support for EntityFramework with AutoMapper. Extends DBSet<T> with Persist<TDto>().InsertUpdate(dto) and Persist<TDto>().Delete(dto). Will find the matching object and will Insert/Update/Delete.
Collection updating support for LinqToSQL with AutoMapper. Extends Table<T> with Persist<TDto>().InsertUpdate(dto) and Persist<TDto>().Delete(dto). Will find the matching object and will Insert/Update/Delete.
Event Sourcing, CQRS and DDD framework for modern C#/.NET applications. History-tracking extension package.
Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
Event Sourcing, CQRS and DDD framework for modern C#/.NET applications. Extension for automatic discovery and registration of AutoMapper profiles.
Basis for the ioc layer of the Harpy Framework
Package Description
Given an EF Core DBContext, LogicBuilder.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer uses AutoMapper configurations to support CRUD operations using the DTO objects.
Abbotware Interop Library for AutoMapper - Contains helper methods, extension methods, and plugins
Package Description
Package Description
A library for Excel export/import. Builds on top of EPPlus, ExcelDataReader and AutoMapper, adding POCO mapping. The development goal is loose coupling between data mapping, formatting and data itself, code brevity and type safety.
(This package has been deprecated. Use AutoMapper.AspNetCore.OData.EFCore.) Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
(This package has been deprecated. Use AutoMapper.AspNetCore.OData.EF6.) Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
(This package has been deprecated. Use AutoMapper.AspNet.OData.EF6.) Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.