Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AutoFixture with v2 data theories

Total dependencies: 38

Accelerates preparation of mocked structures for unit tests under xUnit2 by configuring AutoFixture data generation to use Moq. Gracefully handles recursive structures by omitting recursions.
Accelerates preparation of mocked structures for unit tests under xUnit2 by configuring AutoFixture data generation to use NSubstitute. Gracefully handles recursive structures by omitting recursions.
Common utility libraries.
Common tools for writing tests using XUnit, AutoFixture, NSubstitute and FluentAssertions.
Package Description
Accelerates preparation of mocked structures for unit tests under xUnit2 by configuring AutoFixture data generation to use FakeItEasy. Gracefully handles recursive structures by omitting recursions.
Testing library which contains useful tools and helpers
A set of pre-built mocks to help when testing file system interactions.
This package provides A3 enhancements for xunit.
A simple nuget package that just includes other nuget packages I use to make XUnit tests.
Utilities for Autofixture and Entity Framework
Utilities for Autofixture and xUnit
Utilities for Autofixture, Xunit and AutoMapper
Utilities for Autofixture, xUnit and Data Access
Unit test stack with Xunit, AutoFixture, NSubstitute and some helpers
A collection of extensions for unit testing projects using xunit and AutoFixture.
General testing tools for projects
Test framework using xUnit, AutoFixture and Moq for creating tests in declarative way for easy maintanence.