Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Archetypical.Software.Spigot

Total dependencies: 11

A Spigot Stream implementation that interfaces with AWS and supports both SNS ( and Kinesis ( Use ...
A Spigot Stream implementation over 0MQ (ZeroMQ). This implementation utilizes XPUB/XSUB. The intermediary should be provided by the consumer of this stream
A Spigot Stream implementation utilizing Redis Pub Sub.
A Spigot Stream implementation utilizing Rabbit MQ.
A Spigot stream implementation that implements Google PubSub
A Spigot Stream implementation that interfaces with Azure Service Bus ( Azure Service Bus Depend on Azure Service Bus when you need highly-reliable cloud messaging service between applications and services, even when one or more is offline....
A Spigot Stream implementation utilizing Kafka.
A Spigot Stream implementation utilizing KubeMQ.
A Spigot serializer implementing Protocol buffers as defined in This utilizes the nuget package protobuf-net
A Spigot serializer implementing Message Pack as defined in This utilizes the nuget packages Newtonsoft.Json and MsgPack.Cli. The code replicates the logic in the package Newtonsoft.Msgpack to be able to handle circular references
A Spigot serializer implementing JSON serialization. This utilizes the nuget package Newtonsoft.Json.