Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Appccelerate.Fundamentals

Total dependencies: 14

Bootstrapper provides a simple and flexible way to make your application's startup and shutdown behavior pluggable and extensible: The bootstrapper provides a single entry point to startup and shutdown the application, Fluent definition syntax allowing to expressively define the startup ...
WPF animation control. Features: * Play, Pause, Forward, Backward buttons * Speed slider * Sticky positions
Provides functionality for simplified IO operations: File system abstraction (completely testable) Stream decorators/interceptors, loader for resources (from file/embedded). Supported on Windows only.
Adapter for using event broker extension for distributed communication over MassTransit. Allows sending events over MassTransit using the Appccelerate.EventBroker infrastructur.
Adapter for using event broker extension for distributed communication over NServiceBus. Allows sending events over NServiceBus using the Appccelerate.EventBroker infrastructur.
Adapter for using event broker extension for distributed communication over RhinoEsb. Allows sending events over RhinoEsb using the Appccelerate.EventBroker infrastructur.
Event broker extension for mapping event arguments from one type to another using AutoMapper.
The scoping event broker adds a notion of an unit of work to your event broker usage which allows to cancel asynchronous events.
Command line parser with fluent definition syntax.
AsyncWorker (simplified API for BackgroundWorker), AsyncResult to implement asynchronous tasks.
The evaluation engine provides an infrastructure for decoupled evaluation. Features: The evaluation engine provides a single entry point to ask questions (queries, calculations, ...), Questioner is completely decoupled from answer finding algorithm, Hierarchical ev...
Event broker extension for mapping event arguments from one type to another.
With this extension, the event broker can be used to fire events to event brokers in remote processes.