Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on App.Metrics

Total dependencies: 51

Provides ElasticSearch reporting capability to App Metrics
App Metrics Formatting, formatting metrics data to Elasticsearch formats
.NET Standard 2.1 framework which makes easy to scaffold distributed systems and dispatch incoming load into units of work in a deterministic way.
Provides text file reporting capability to App Metrics
Original Project: This package just includes the HdrHistogram implemenation making it pluggable to App.Metrics
Extends the App.Metrics library providing a set OWIN Middleware Components which will record things like error rates per endpoint and an overall rate, request rates per endpoint and an overall rate etc.
The SDK simplifying the consumption of Sportradar's Unified Odds feed. (.NET Standard 2.1)
Abstractions of ceres library. Uses App.Metrics
Exposes .NET core runtime metrics (GC, JIT, lock contention, thread pool) using the AppMetrics package.
Provides Graphite reporting capability to App Metrics
Provides HTTP reporting capability to App Metrics
APM站点服务性能监控 内部集成全部依赖的InfuxDb以及AppMetrics等。 健康检查
Metrics module for memstate based on the App.Metrics library
App Metrics Formatting, formatting metrics data to Graphite formats
Contains a formatter for sending data to Datadog via their https API
百伦dotnet core微服务,Metrics类库