Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on App.Metrics.Health.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 16

App Metrics Formatters for health check results to JSON using Newtonsoft.Json.
App Metrics health core components.
App Metrics Formatters for health check results to plain text.
App Metrics HTTP health checks.
App Metrics SQL health checks.
App Metrics process health checks.
App Metrics network health checks.
Report App Metrics Health Checks as metrics allowing results to be flush for example to the configured metrics reporter.
The SDK simplifying the integration with Sportradar's MTS services (.NET Standard 2.1)
App Metrics Azure Service Bus health checks.
Reports App Metrics Health Status Alerts to Slack.
App Metrics Azure Storage health checks.
App Metrics Azure DocumentDB health checks.
App Metrics Azure EventHubs health checks.
App Metrics RabbitMQ health checks.