Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ANTLR 4 Runtime

Total dependencies: 73

Classes for reasoning (JSM-Method ARS)
C# Sql Where Clause Parser to be used as Rest Parameters to filter data
The C# target of the ANTLR 4 parser generator for Visual Studio 2008 projects. This package supports projects targeting .NET 2.0 or newer, and built using Visual Studio 2008.
Object Oriented Regular Expressions. Syntax the same as .NET Regular Expressions.
An Azure Table Storage in-memory emulator
A message DSL for Zebus
Package Description
Core components for Simplicity Health Systems Starling apps
CQL is a configurable query language.
ON.Impression is a programming language for recognizing string patterns with regular grammar. It is effectively an alternative syntax to regular expressions.
ASP.NET Library that enables fast development of REST API that read data from SQL Server 2016+ and Azure SQL Database. Enables easy creation of server-side processing JQuery DataTable API and OData v4 REST API.
BveTrainsim5.7 Syntax parsing library. Bve5.7構文のパーサライブラリです。
TangleFramework,通过 Akka.Net 实现 Actor 模型。
Extension classes for Antrl4 lexer and parser. Wraps a parser as a component. Integrates helpfull additional classes and methods
OCR using Tesseract, ImageMagick and EmguCV and an advanced query language. See the GitHub page for language documentation.
Item filter parser for poe
An run-time expression language for .NET Core. Compiles simple code into .NET Expressions for runtime execution. Includes schema creation and type checking.
A library that removes most of the boilerplate code for listening to and visiting ANTLR4-generated parse trees on the CLR.