Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM

Total dependencies: 95

cdk constructs for antenny
@stefanfreitag/aws-budget-notifier (Stability: Experimental)
p6-barrier (Stability: Stable)
cdk-alps-graph-ql (Stability: Stable)
cdk-alps-spec-rest-api (Stability: Stable)
Deploy a URL shortener with custom domain support in just a few lines of code. (Stability: Experimental)
Package Description
Implode your AWS CDK Stack after set amount of time, save money, be happy! (Stability: Experimental)
CDK Construct for creating Athena WorkGroups (Stability: Stable)
CDK Construct for secrets (Stability: Experimental)
This CDK Construct helps create IAM Managed Policies and IAM Roles using JSON Configuration (Stability: Stable)
cdk-pull-request-builder (Stability: Stable)
Defines an SQS queue with tweet stream from a search
A CDK construct which creates a pipeline that pulls code from a source repository, builds it, then deploys to an S3 bucket (with CloudFront if a certificate is required)