Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Alexa.NET

Total dependencies: 39

Core package containing Attachment types and turn context extensions for when using Bot Builder .NET Alexa Adapter to allow for a bot to be used for Alexa skills.
Small helper library to allow Alexa.NET skills to work with APL
A .NET Core library for handling Alexa Skills Management API
Some helpers for streamlining Alexa C# Lambda functions. Breaking changes: - AlexaIntent no longer has the parameters passed into the ctor - The old container is gone in favour of AutoFac - Registering dependencies is done via RegisterDependencies -- This enables ctor injection to work in any Inten...
Small helper library allowing Alexa.NET Skills to more easily access the Pin Confirmation functionality
Helper package to more quickly add the Alexa Sound Library to Alexa.NET SSML Responses
A simple .NET Core library for handling Alexa skills using the Customer Profile API
Small helper library for Alexa.NET based skills to access the reminders API
Core SDK package that contains the basic components and default implementations of ASK SDK for .Net Core.
Small library to help with the Alexa ProactiveEvents API
Small helper library to allow skills to support CanFulfillIntent requests
A simple cross-platform library for building VUI smart speaker skills. Support major platforms in Japan: Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and LINE Clova.
ASP.NET Core package for creating intent endpoints for Amazon Alexa skills
A collection of utilities made for Alexa Skills SDK for .NET (
Add Alexa.NET reqeuest verification for Azure Functions to validate requests from the Amazon Alexa services.
A small utility package that converts MarkDown to Ssml
A simple .NET Core library for handling Alexa skill Notification API
A simple package built to work with the Alexa Gadgets API, using Alexa.NET as the core
A simple .NET Core library for handling skill messaging to Alexa skills