Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Akka.Persistence

Total dependencies: 40

Sharded actors with managed lifecycle for Akka.NET cluster. Used to distribute state in a fault-tolerant, consistent fashion over an Akka.NET cluster.
Akka.NET Persistence ADO.NET middleware
Stream based query interface for persistence journal plugins for Akka.NET
Akka.NET streams support for ADO.NET Persistence middleware.
Akka.NET Persistence journal and snapshot store backed by SQLite.
Testkit for Persistence actor support for Akka.NET
TestKit for writing tests for Akka.NET Persistance module.
Additional features and tools for the Akka.Persistence library.
F# API for persistence actors in Akka.NET
F# wrapper library for Akka.NET with persistence support
Akka.NET Persistence journal store backed by EventStore.
Akka.NET Persistence journal and snapshot store backed by Redis.
Package Description
An Akka Persistence Module for SQL Databases using Linq2Db.
Akka.NET Persistence journal and snapshot store backed by RocksDb.
Cassandra Persistence support for Akka.NET
Azure Storage Table backend for Akka.Persistence.
Akka.NET Persistence journal and snapshot store backed by MySql.
Library for Akka Persistence journal and snapshot store backed by Google Bigtable.
a cqrs and event sourcing framework for