Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Ajax Control Toolkit

Total dependencies: 19

Kartris is a free, open source cart system optimized for performance and capable of handling 1,000,000+ SKUs out of the box
BWebTemplate C# to develope Web App with B-ArtsFramework
Controles web user (ascx) para serem usados em projetos webforms
The runtime assemblies for Web Forms applications that use Kentico API.
Framework Web da Dimensão TI
The MenuExtender is an ASP.NET extender which turns unordered lists (UL) into multi-level menus. Features include: horizontal and vertical menu rendering, full keyboard support, 508 compliance, CSS styling for complete control over appearance, and menu closing delay to prevent accidental menu closin...
GTP.NET.ASP.NET is a package of components to build interactive Gantt and Schedule charts on ASP.NET Ajax
One extender for the ajax control toolkit calendar
ScriptUserControl is used to define complex user controls which support ASP.NET AJAX script extensions. ScriptUserControl class missing from AjaxControlToolkit since version 15.1. Adding this class back was made possible since version 18.1 - see issue #347.
My package description.
ASP.NET server controls legacy projects
Contains numerous utilities, helper classes, custom web controls, form controls, loggers, wrappers(Paypal,Blogger,Picasa,Twitter, ect.), Barcode readers, Security modules and more. Individual libraries are available as well.
Set of custom web controls not found in the microsoft library: CCharting, CContextMenu, CDynamicImage, CFlashControl, CFreezePanel, CHoverButton, CImageCapture, CListTransfer, CMarquee, CScrollerSaver, CSSLinker, CUploader, ExtendedMenu, FormButton, JSMinifier, Menu, PopOverControl, RichtextEditor,...
NotAClue Dynamic Data Autocomplete ForeignKey Field Templates for foreign key fields with many rows.
NotAClue Dynamic Data Custom FieldTemplates for Uploading Files, Images, Selecting from a set of images and Ajax Date Picker.
15 Filters for Dynamic Data; GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual, DateRange, Range, Autocomplete, Contains, MultiForeignKey, StartsWith, EndsWith, DateFrom, DataTo.