Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AdvancedStringBuilder

Total dependencies: 35

WebMarkupMin.MsAjax contains 2 minifier-adapters: `MsAjaxCssMinifier` (for minification of CSS code) and `MsAjaxJsMinifier` (for minification of JS code). These adapters perform minification using the Microsoft Ajax Minifier (
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore1 contains one ASP.NET Core 1.X Middleware - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.
BundleTransformer.UglifyJs contains one minifier-adapter for minification of JS code - `UglifyJsMinifier`. `UglifyJsMinifier` is based on the Mihai Bazon's UglifyJS ( version 2.8.29. As a JS engine is used the JavaScript Engine Switcher library (
BundleTransformer.Csso contains one minifier-adapter for minification of CSS code - `KryzhanovskyCssMinifier`. `KryzhanovskyCssMinifier` is based on the Sergey Kryzhanovsky's CSSO ( version 3.2.0. As a JS engine is used the JavaScript Engine Switcher library (https://git...
BundleTransformer.CleanCss contains one minifier-adapter for minification of CSS code - `CleanCssMinifier`. `CleanCssMinifier` is based on the Clean-css ( version 4.1.11. As a JS engine is used the JavaScript Engine Switcher library (
BundleTransformer.Yui contains two minifier-adapters: `YuiCssMinifier` (for minification of CSS code) and `YuiJsMinifier` (for minification of JS code). These adapters perform minification by using the YUI Compressor for .NET (
BundleTransformer.JsMin contains one minifier-adapter for minification of JS code - `CrockfordJsMinifier`. `CrockfordJsMinifier` is based on the C# port of Douglas Crockford's JSMin ( version of October 30, 2019.
BundleTransformer.CoffeeScript contains one translator-adapter - `CoffeeScriptTranslator` (supports the CoffeeScript ( version 2.7.0). This adapter makes translation of CoffeeScript code to JS code. Also contains the `CoffeeScriptAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which i...
BundleTransformer.Handlebars contains one translator-adapter - `HandlebarsTranslator` (supports the Handlebars ( version 4.7.8). This adapter makes translation of Handlebars templates to JS code. Also contains the `HandlebarsAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is res...
BundleTransformer.WG contains one minifier-adapter for minification of CSS code - `WgCssMinifier`. `WgCssMinifier` is based on the WebGrease Semantic CSS minifier ( version 1.6.0.
The Web Markup Minifier (abbreviated WebMarkupMin) is a .NET library that contains a set of markup minifiers. The objective of this project is to improve the performance of web applications by reducing the size of HTML, XHTML and XML code. WebMarkupMin absorbed the best of existing solutions from n...
BundleTransformer.Closure contains two minifier-adapters for minification of JS code: `ClosureRemoteJsMinifier` and `ClosureLocalJsMinifier`. `ClosureRemoteJsMinifier` is based on the Google Closure Compiler Service API ( and req...
BundleTransformer.Packer contains one minifier-adapter for minification of JS code - `EdwardsJsMinifier`. `EdwardsJsMinifier` is based on the Dean Edwards' Packer ( version 3.0. As a JS engine is used the JavaScript Engine Switcher library (
BundleTransformer.Hogan contains one translator-adapter - `HoganTranslator` (supports the Hogan ( version 3.0.2). This adapter makes translation of Mustache templates to JS code. Also contains the `HoganAssetHandler` debugging HTTP handler, which is responsible for ...
Modified version of JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.ChakraCore for ZeroReact library