Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AccidentalFish Abstract Dependency Resolver Interface

Total dependencies: 13

Dependency injected Azure PaaS components.
Optional background processes for the Accidental Fish applicaton framework. Includes email and logging.
Entity Framework unit of work and repository pattern implementation for the Accidental Fish Application framework
Logger that sends items to Azure Application Insights
SendGrid email provider for the Accidental Fish application framewokr
Unity dependency resolver for the Accidental Fish application framework.
Queue based logger for the AccidentalFish Application Support framework
Serilog logger for the framework
Amazon email provider for the Accidental Fish application framework
Core interfaces and components for the Accidental Fish Application framework
Autofac dependency resolver for the AccidentalFish.ApplicationSupport framework
Ninject dependency resolver
Console logger for the AccidentalFish.Application support framework