Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Abp

Total dependencies: 246

YoYo.SenparcWX 盛派微信SDK
SendGrid Module for ASP.NET Boilerplate AppFactory
Package Description
Package Description
集成了 MagicOnion 与 Consul 服务发现的 RPC 模块,支持与 ABP 框架一起使用。
Package Description
bkm sms lib
Sync Hub Module for SignalR Sync Applications
ASP.NET Boilerplate module for generating and exporting any IEnumerable to Excel. Wraps EPPlus into an ASP.NET Boilerplate module and saves the file using a Blob Storage provider module.
Package Description
Package Description
A distributed event bus, inspired by the Abp event bus, can trigger events across applications.
NLOG log output module for Abp framework. Abp的NLog日志输出模块。
Package Description