Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on AWS SDK for .NET (Previous Version 2)

Total dependencies: 108

An API that adds to RazorEngine that makes it easy to embed Razor views into assemblies and run them in console applications and windows services
This is amazon webservices library for Essential Designs projects.
Adds S3 storage capability to Dragon.Files
Java Like Properties on Steroids Allows for inherited, auto-resolvable name/value pairs with priorities.
This is amazon webservices library for proggasoft projects.
Simple lightweight AWS S3 Helper. Simplify usage of AWS S3 to get, move, put and delete objects.
[deprecated] Please upgrade to ImageResizer.Plugins.S3Reader2 Enables ImageResizer to access and process images from Amazon S3 buckets. Docs: Support: Requires license, see ## 30+ plugin...
SimpleS3Log is a library written in C# that provides basic logging functionality. Log files are stored at Amazon S3.