Top 20 NuGet XAML Packages
Layouts is Javascript/Typescript library that allows web developers build complex UI in HTML5 using a Xaml derived markup.
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Observable Vector makes it easy to use the IObservableVector<T> interface in your Windows app.
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Observable Vector makes it easy to use the IObservableVector<T> interface in your Windows app. This is the non-generic version which can be used in non-.NET projects targeting the Windows Store, such as C++/CX or JavaScript.
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Fakes your designdata
The Cross-platform XAML Framework
CreativeXamlToolkit is a tiny library containing custom controls for WPF & UWP application.
LightBox control for WPF
Attached properties for scroll-related stuff
A really tiny class framework that helps binding ICommand objects from DataContext to class members in XAML in the form of invisible FrameworkElement objects. The view remains loosely-bound to the ViewModel in MVVM projects.
Make it easy to authenticate your app that uses the OneDrive SDK
Yet another controls library for Universal Windows Apps.
Collection of XAML converters
Colour picker for UWP projects.
A simple OpenWeatherMap API for Universal Windows Platform(UWP) using city name.
Access current weather data for any location including over 200,000 cities.
Current weather is frequently updated based on global models and data from more than 40,000 weather stations.
60 call per minute (no more th...
Library that simplifies the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged, as described in the July 2016 issue of MSDN magazine (
Tunes your UWP titlebar and statusbar.
Property dependency manager
Add PullToRefresh behavior to ListView, GridView and more controls with ScrollViewer.
This is a modified version of MahApps.Metro specifically for Explore10