Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages
Cross Platform Mobile Development
Key-Value store library for Application setting.
Serializer package using Utf8Json.
Key-Value store library for Application setting.
Serializer package using SpanJson.
Squareup OkHttp3 OkHttp binding library for Xamarin.Android
This is a Datepicker with Chinese lunar calendar view ,This assembly works for Android
A Bottom Navigation Bar implementation for Xamarin Forms.
This is a Datepicker with Chinese lunar calendar view
This is a Datepicker with Chinese lunar calendar view ,This assembly works for iOS 9.3 and later
Square Retrofit2 binding library for Xamarin.Android
This provides a client side implementation of a versionned entity
This provides an abstraction layer for EntityFramework use and tracking changes interfaces
This provides all abstraction classes and interfaces for data access use
Data access service interface and an Entity base class
Unit of work interface
This provides a server side implementation of EntityFramework using versionned entities and tracking changes
This provides a client side tools for Dependency Injection
Xamarin Forms Tabbed page or view.
Xam.TabView Features
- Tab Header Customization (Header Height/Color/Content).
- Tab Contet Page/View customization.
- Tab Header Positioning (Top/Bottom)
- Tab Page/Content change events.
An Android framework that contains various features like UI binding functionality to make life easier.
StatusBarUtil library binding for Xamarin Android (
A Xamarin.Form control for creating a calendar.
BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper (BRVAH) library binding for Xamarin Android (
MvvmFlex.Forms is a MVVM framework built for Xamarin.Forms.