Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

.Net 4.5 extensions for Lavspent.DaisyChain
Firmata extensions for Lavspent.DaisyChain.
Attached property for making animated progress bars using Xamarin Forms
A Bottom Navigation Bar implementation for Xamarin Forms. Fork of with a couple of fixes.
Small Xamarin.Forms plugin that flips an image(byte array) horizontally. Only iOS and Android for now.
Easy and intuitive localization tools for Xamarin.Forms.
A simple calendar control for xamarin forms apps.
With XForms you can use attribute based input validation in Xamarin Forms. For usage documentation, visit the project url below.
Register NavigationActions and automatically dispose any IDisposable Page/BindingContext with AutoNavigationPage. Extends the NavigationPage and is completely compatible with it's standard functionality.
Create cross-platforms (Xamarin, Windows, ...) charts.
A Xamarin.Forms ContentView that can be absolutely placed setting X and Y and will be displayed on top of other controls irregardless of the parent layout used.
GraphQL QueryLess is a library for building GraphQL queries from a class schema
A control that mimic CollectionView but has dymanic flexible height.
Material API for Invention apps.
Base iOS classes for CrossPlatformLiveData xamarin android绑定库 本库与原作者无关 只是绑定
Shared mobile tools for Xamarin and MVVM
Aprende a programar con Xamarin Workbooks, C# y la legendaria Tortuga!
Automatic breadcrumb control for Xamarin.Forms
Standard API to set icon badge.