Top 20 NuGet WPF Packages

Graph# (SIL) is a graph layout framework. It contains some layout algorithms and a GraphLayout control for WPF applications. This is a fork of the Graph# library.
Makes developing WPF MVVM apps that target .NET Core 3.1 easier by providing a lot of the base framework. This does not add any additional files or folders to your project.
Librería en .Net Standard 2.0 que permite generar cualquier tipo de Factura Electronica Xml y PDF (Ingreso, Egreso, Traslado, Nomina, Pago, etc.) llenando los datos correspondientes fácilmente podrás generar las facturas digitales en cuestión de minutos. Es ideal y compatible para integrarla en cu...
Material Design Creative is based on Material Design in XAML Toolkit and Material Design Extensions to provide tinny bitty little additional features for WPF Applications.
MVVM friendly library for easy navigation management in WPF application
MVVM friendly library for easy navigation management in WPF application
WPF Wrapper for the Scintilla Text Editor Control.
Contains various WPF goodies
Common utilities, controls and more for any .NET WPF project
A Micro MVVM Framework for WPF
Enable WPF window has an outside resizable border.
This library provides embedded web browser interface for WPF on .NET Core when using MSAL.NET.
An easy-to-integrate progess indicator for MVVM pattern based WPF applications. Features a status text & progress bar that can be updated from long running tasks in the model through a IProgressStatus interface. The interface is also provided seperateley in the ProgressDialogStatus package, which ...
NotifyIcon implementation for the WPF platform.
Bussiness logic for different use cases
To create single instance applications on .NET Core/.NET 5
A .Net Framework library, for use in WPF, for controlling the 'Busy' state gracefully. It aims to be simple with one main class that provides a Boolean value for busy which should be used in conjunction with the Xceed Toolkit BusyIndicator or similar control. This class is responsible for managing t...
A set of wpf toolkit.
this is the json provider for the YiSoTranslator plugin, this provider will allow you to manage your translation using json files