Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Scribe lets you write RSpec-style tests in C# (without leaving the comfort of your favorite testing framework).
Scribe lets you write RSpec-style tests in C# (without leaving the comfort of your favorite testing framework).
Simple test fixture pattern
Tooling to empower BDD-style unit testing conventions. R# snippets for easier usage are available by project URL
NMatcher is a simple library that eases tests (mostly with json).
Specification based testing with xunit
Helps transform NUnit v2 to NUnit v3. It consists of a set of Roslyn analyzers and code fixers. Add it to your NUnit v2 test projects, make use of auto fixes, adjust manually when needed, bump NUnit to v3.
Unofficial Report Portal SpecFlow agent
Extension to xunit to produce human readable Given/When/Then reports in xml, markdown and HTML
Akka testing helpers that help you test the relationships between your actors
Mock implementation of IWebDriver which does not open a browser, for high performance testing of Selenium based frameworks, without a dependency on browsers and web drivers.
Gravity API core functionality, which can be hosted as a service on platforms like Console Application, ASP.NET Web API, Service Fabric Service, .NET Core application, WCF Selfhost, etc. FREE register at "" in order to be able to use Gravity API
Auto Health Check. Test how defensive your core application is.
Auto Health Check integration for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.
Enables dependency injection within NUnit using the Unity inversion of control container.
Enables dependency injection within NUnit. Dependency injection support is container specific and provided by separate NuGet packages.
Steps Attribute for NUnit.Allure
DotNet port of
Contains helpers for BIDS application testing
Configuration store support for Esquio. For more information see