Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

[MOQ] .NET C#: Arrange Context is a simple Tool to automatically initialize your system-under-test with mocked instances.
[FAKEITEASY] .NET C#: Arrange Context is a simple Tool to automatically initialize your system-under-test with mocked instances.
Selenium for the Console!
Using Autofac to resolve dependencies in xUnit2 tests
Official Multiworld Testing Client Library including C# interface
Fluent Assertions extensions for NodaTime
Provides current configuration value at build time right in Visual Studio as well as application runtime. This can be utilized to identify test environment for automation testing.
Testing framework that hosts your service during test execution
XUnit extension library; written in C#
Wrapper for multinode test runner shared libraries
Analyzers that check: - NUnit Retry attributes existence on methods that marked with 'Test' attribute - Such attributes should have 'tryCount' value greater than 1
Extends NUnit to allow the passing of generic parameters to test methods via TestFixtureSource.
Transforms a v2 XML test results file into a JUnit test results file.
bdd style test fixtures for akkatecture
A library for expressing Gherkin style Given-When-Then tests in native C# syntax.
Fluent utility helper for argument validation. Follow the WIKI at:
**SystemTestingTools** (for .net core 3.1+) extends your test capabilities, providing ways to create / return stubs, allowing you to run more comprehensive / deterministic / reliable tests in your local dev machine / build tool and in non-prod environments. * supporting interception of Http (H...