Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

This NuGet adds the MVVM ViewModelBase class for usage in WPF. All classes that inherit from ViewModelBase will have the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, with the caller member name attribute. There are also 2 useful classes. RelayCommand - allows you to create an anonymous command using lambda exp...
A really tiny class framework that helps binding ICommand objects from DataContext to class members in XAML in the form of invisible FrameworkElement objects. The view remains loosely-bound to the ViewModel in MVVM projects.
Lightweight MVVM framework supporting navigation, validation and providing implementation of Observalble Object and some Commands.
(RENAMED TO DashMVVM) Please uninstall this library and replace it with DashMVVM. In your code update all FeatherView occurences to DashView and FeatherViewModel to DashViewModel. Apologies for the inconvinience.
Inspired by MvvmCross for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS, this is a basic Mvvm library for WinForms that seeks to channel the ease, structure and clarity that simple, robust and predictable databinding brings to apps.
Module for non-exception based property validation
Prototype of Elm inspired immutable MVVM library for Wpf
A very rich implementation for ICommand pattern with 24 types of commands that meet all the requirements.
Toggl Switch for WPF based applications, use this switch for highly customized WPF Applications.
Pre compilation task to help Localization on cross platform mobile app.
Atteched behaviours for common operations with focus
A .NET Library to make working with Mvvm Patterns easier.
Provides core functionality for WPF applications.
A WPF support library
Kinglot.Web provide ajax service extjs client ui and records