Top 20 NuGet owin Packages

Spark template for dependency injection service
NetJSON json serializer for dependency injection service
Jil json serializer for dependency injection service
Http session for dependency injection service
Support faster 'Dictionary' and 'NamevalueCollection' class than microsoft.
Simple cache for dependency injection service
A library for extending UmbracoIdentity to integrate with IdentityServer
Autofac implementation for OWIN IoC container adapter
A .NET library for LTI authentication, compatible with Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.
Web stack with OWIN, WebApi, SignalR, Autofac, AutoMapper, various utilities and configuration defaults to speed up initial setup efforts
Entity Framework-based persistence layer for IdentityServer3,with MySql
Owin helper to simplify leverage of Owin identity owin authentication
Extensions that allow enabling a metrics endpoint in an OWIN application that can be scraped by a Prometheus server
Adds additional OAuth providers for OWIN to use with ASP.NET
Adds additional OAuth providers for OWIN to use with ASP.NET
IdentityServer3 Integration Library for ASP.NET Core