Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for accounting. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 49e00c423a63b6e5b00cf0105c5fe6a2ac57336b].
Core SCSS (Sass) and JavaScript files for Foundation for Sites. For the complete package install Foundation5.MVC.Sass
If you have an existing SQL Server table, use this program to whip up a batch of MVC5 goodness in seconds - models, controllers, views (both desktop and mobile versions) and REST API's by simply pointing this app to that table. Visit the Project Website for a quick demo/tutorial.
The library delivers over 80 fully customizable components, provides JQuery integration and can work with any server-side platform: PHP, .NET, Java, etc. Flexible layouts, unlimited extensibility, controllable look-and-feel, and intuitive API allow creating apps of any difficulty that will work equa...
*TestBase* gives you a flying start with - fluent assertions that are easy to extend - sharp error messages - tools to help you test with “heavyweight” dependencies on - AspNetCore.Mvc, AspNet.Mvc or WebApi Contexts - HttpClient - Ado.Net - Streams & Logging - Mix & match with your favouri...
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for ix.js. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for browser-harness. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 49e00c423a63b6e5b00cf0105c5fe6a2ac57336b].
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for gapi. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 7dc3b09e3ad2a8de14330d6c84efe3e6d76fd79b].
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for backgrid. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 49e00c423a63b6e5b00cf0105c5fe6a2ac57336b].
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for jstorage. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for sencha_touch. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].
Common.Logging library bindings for Elmah logging framework.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for firebase. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: f5b469b012f515428f9643ef31395282481031d4].
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for bgiframe. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 49e00c423a63b6e5b00cf0105c5fe6a2ac57336b].
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for zepto. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].
JavaScript URL routing for ASP.NET MVC. Allows you to use your ASP.NET MVC routes from JavaScript. Please refer to project site ( for more details, usage examples and sample code.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for icheck. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].
A small Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) API provider.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for swiper. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: e7f20ea2f468dfd7bcca3fb1fdb3380dd0ef0054].
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for browserify. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 49e00c423a63b6e5b00cf0105c5fe6a2ac57336b].