Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

This package is only a redirect to the System.Waf.Wpf package. System.Waf.Wpf is the successor of this package.
RouteMagic.Mvc is a library of useful Routing helpers specific to ASP.NET MVC. See for more information.
Enables SimpleMembership API (from ASP.NET WebPages) to be used with ASP.NET MVC3. This allows you to use the WebSecurity helper found in the WebMatrix.WebData namespace. See SimpleMembership.Mvc3.Sample package for sample Mvc3 project using SimpleMembership.Mvc3. See
RestfulRouting is a routing library for ASP.NET MVC based on the Rails 3 routing DSL.
Adds the latest version of structuremap and configures it as the default Dependency Resolver.
This project was created to help developers work with Telerik Grid for ASP.NET MVC providing some mapping techniques to convert Entities objects into ViewModels objects. If you're one of us, you have to implement some sort of "custom binding" methods in order to query the database reporting t...
Error Logging Filter and Route (ELFAR) for ASP.NET MVC was inspired by and based on the popular Error Logging Modules And Handlers (ELMAH) for ASP.NET utility. ELFAR retains the familiar ELMAH user interface but has been built to utilise the architecture of ASP.NET MVC.
Adds all the useful collection and array methods from Underscore.js to Knockout observable arrays. Also includes several convenience methods to manipulate the underlying array.
Easily map ASP.NET MVC routes to lowercase URLs! Does not affect casing of the querystring, if one exists. Includes support for MVC Areas, as well as experimental support for ASP.NET Web API HTTP routes. See the Project Site for important usage notes.
Contains an MSBuild task that will generate Cassette bundles for a web application at compile time.
Designed to be used with ASP.NET MVC 3 or greater and Entity Framework 4.* NLog.Mvc provides a Target for NLog that uses a DbContext to write and access log entries. It also includes a NLogHandleError attribute that can be applied to log exceptions.
Speed up your work by using these HTML helpers to integrate jQuery UI into your ASP.NET MVC 4 application. Requires the .NET Framework 4 and ASP.NET MVC4.
Unobtrusive jQuery UI allows you to use attributes on your HTML elements to activate and configure jQuery UI widgets.
Works around the lack of PNG transparency support in versions of IE below 6. This version is slightly modified to work with MVC conventions. As you know IE versions below 6 do not support png transparency. This plugin is designed to fix that problem by applying appropriate filters to user specified ...
The Knockout.js External Template Engine extends Knockout.js to allow you to load templates asynchronously from a remote resource. It currently supports both native and jquery templates. Special thanks to Ryan Niemeyer for the assistance in getting jquery templates working in this version of the plu...
GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.
A simple ASP.NET MVC3/4/5 helper for Gravatar providing extension methods to HtmlHelper and UrlHelper. Example usage: @Html.Gravatar("[email protected]", 80)
Common.Logging library bindings for Elmah logging framework.
ActionMailer.Net aims to be an easy, and relatively painless way to send email from your application. The concept is pretty simple. We can render HTML by utilizing some pretty snazzy view engines, so why can't we do the same thing for email?
AttributeRouting code templates for MVC 4 adds controller templates that use attribute routes on their actions.