Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages
A simple implementation of a destructurer for Mongo exceptions.
Common libraries to handle logging, exceptions and file manipulation
Splunk.Logging common libraries with Http Event Collector classes
A very good logging library. You should use it.
Tomato Log sink for Cosmos.Logging.
Tencent Cloud CLS sink for Cosmos.Logging.
JD Cloud Log Service sink for Cosmos.Logging.
Cosmos.Logging extension for PostgreSql ADO.NET Provider.
Cosmos.Logging extension for NodaTime.
.NET Standard 2.1 framework which makes easy to scaffold distributed systems and dispatch incoming load into units of work in a deterministic way.
Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun) SLS sink for Cosmos.Logging.
Cosmos.Logging extension for ORM FreeSql.
Microsoft SQL Server Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
Sqlite Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
PostgreSql Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
Oracle Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
MySqlConnector Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
MySQL Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.
EntityFramework Core Exceptions extension/enricher for Cosmos.Logging.