Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

Logging for SharpRepository
Need to use the rabbit management http api? Don't jump through hoops.
Provides NLog logging integration for Chinchilla, the little library that makes RabbitMQ awesome.
ELMAH modules for ElmahR
XUnit tests for adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Logging
A logging library inspired by log4net, targeting .NET Framework 4 Client Profile.
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on an error log in stand-alone XML files.
Log4net logging extension for MugenInjection.
NLog2 logging extension for MugenInjection.
In-cloud exception aggregation and analytics.
Nx library containing Logging wrappers for multiple platforms
Port of the Enyim Memcached Provider to Couchbase Server with some improvements: - Target framework is .NET 4.5 - Session data compression is supported. - NLog logging can be enabled to output basic information for all Save / Load actions (item id and size before and after compression) - LZ4 fast c...
Gets you up and going with a DotNet app quicker by providing web implementations on the DotNetAppStarterKit.Core interfaces for commonly used components such as logging, caching and security.
Log4net logging extension for MugenInjection.
Custom log4net appender publishing log messages on to RabbitMQ in GELF format. A simple way to integrate your logging with
Serilog sink for NATS messaging server
This package contains the core abstractions and management infrastructure for writing log messages to Azure Table Storage.
Library to send logs from application to an Elasticsearch nodes in order to save them on it. You can centralize the log messages in Elasticsearch node and review and work with the information remotely.
A powerful .NET logging based on .NET Framework and .NET Core.
A Kafka Sink for producing structured logging events from Serilog to a topic.