Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

Package helps to bootstrap a full framework application to PCF by adding cloud native distributed logging, enhanced with Serilog
Librería estandar para registro y control de excepciones en aplicaciones.
.NET Core request tracing and logging utility for cross microservice logging.
Package Description
A friendly and simple logging framework with multiple outputs
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
It's a simple wrapper to use Serilog
New version targets .net Core 2.1
A general purpose .Net Framework Logging library for use with Serilog
A loggin library wrapped around Serilog to make logging just that much easier to implement in .Net Core applications
Package Description
Extends Autofac with the ability to register null-patterned ASP.NET Core loggers. This package is for Autofac version 5. For an identical API on Autofac version 4, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac4.Mocking.Logging`.
The logging library for log HTTP Request/Response (Yet) and store them in various data stores.
Package Description
The logging library for log HTTP Request/Response (Yet) and store them in various data stores.
Simple logging framework
Package Description