Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

ELMAH error logger for sending errors to from ASP.NET Core. This package include initial configuration for getting up and running with
Provides NLog logging integration for other ServiceStack projects
An provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
CodeMash tools for .NET developers. Access tools from .NET Core
Serilog sink for Sumo Logic
Package Description
A serilog sink for rolling files based on size and time
Provides utilities to facilitate metrics (timers, counters, gauges, meters, healthchecks) on top of Serilog.
Logentries logging library for log4net support.
Logentries logging library support for NLog
Provides EventLog logging integration for other ServiceStack projects
Exceptionless client for ASP.NET MVC applications. Exceptionless is a cloud based error reporting service that sends your exceptions to and provides aggregated views and analytics.
Enables the Moq's Verify API over the *ILogger* extensions (LogInformation, LogError, etc).
Plinth Common logging library for host projects to log to standard targets
Motor.NET is a microservice framework based on Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.
Motor.NET is a microservice framework based on Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.
Motor.NET is a microservice framework based on Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.
Motor.NET is a microservice framework based on Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.
.NET library for sending logging context data to New Relic
Zero Allocation Text/Strcutured Logger for .NET Core, built on top of a Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.