Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

Nancy plugin for application-wide logging using Serilog
Log4Net library for logging to entities
To log events in your Xamarin.Forms application
Local file log for Cosmos.Logging.
A .NET Standard client for Sentry
Application Insights Entlib TraceListener is a custom listener allowing you to send LogEntry messages to Application Insights.
A WCF logging service implementation that uses the Logging Application Block to handle log messages on the server. Also useful in conjunction with the Remote Service trace listener of the Silverlight Integration Pack.
NuClear project operations logging API
NuClear project operations logging using transport based on MsSQL store
This is a simple sqlite logger based on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
AppCenter logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
Allows to configure log level of an Serilog.ILogger at runtime.
Support for Serilog
Common.Logging library bindings for Log4Net 2.0.7 logging framework.
Rapid Logger with Log4Net
Extensions for the Proxii library to easily hook into NLog
Library for using Azure Stroage blobs for application logging.
Common.Logging library bindings for Serilog 1.5.14 logging framework.
Common.Logging adapter for logging to multiple target logging frameworks at once.