Top 20 NuGet Linq Packages

Dynamic linq library
Library of utility classes for interacting with and operating on System.Linq.Expression trees
Decompile property getters for supporting computed columns on LINQ. Uses the ashming expressive decompiler library
A small utility library that allows the rewriting of expression trees using methods as marker points for the rewriting process.
A set of extensions used to query a Team Foundation Server for collection items (Currently only works with WorkItems).
ORM Profiler lets you gain insight in what your data-access code, e.g. your Entity Framework using code, is doing, find performance problems and quickly learn how to fix them. SD.Tools.OrmProfiler.Interceptor is the interceptor package for regular ORMs and ADO.NET using data-access logic. The In...
ORM Profiler lets you gain insight in what your data-access code, e.g. your Entity Framework using code, is doing, find performance problems and quickly learn how to fix them. SD.Tools.OrmProfiler.Interceptor.NET45 is the interceptor package for regular ORMs and ADO.NET using data-access logic, ...
A library to help convert search criterias into a Linq expression.
Some general useful extension methods for .NET 4.0 or above
This is a wrapper for array to be enabled with underscore features.
A library that contains nice-to-have functionality that is missing in the .NET Framework.
Extension library for Javascript with strong Typescript support. This is a lightweight library to aid in data manipulation and transformation.
Array query library for JavaScript with "Linq" like methods.
Support for integration with MiniProfiler
This project is used to call dynamic linq functions on unknown types. The dynamic linq query is structured using reflection.
Package Description
Sky Linq programming by composition library
SkyLinq LINQ extensions
A .NET library containing LINQ-to-Object extension methods for working with TPL Tasks. Feedback welcome.
Local database for .NET